Ex-George W. Bush Officials Launch A Super PAC In Support of Joe Biden!

The Republican Party has had enough of President 45. 43 Alumni For Biden is a group of former George W. Bush administration and campaign officials that have created a Super PAC in Joe Biden's favor. What is a Super PAC? Super PAC's are donations for a particular political group that accept money from individuals, unions, and corporations without limitation. In other words, it looks like the Republican's are gearing up to financially influence Biden's campaign to better his chances of wining.

Their mission according to CNN.com, "[They seek] to unite and mobilize a community of historically Republican voters who are dismayed and disappointed by the damage done to our nation by Donald Trump's presidency,". In addition, "Principles matter more than politics. That’s why we, a group of alumni who served President Bush, and other Republican presidents, governors, and Members of Congress, support Joe Biden for President. alumni who served President Bush, and other Republican presidents, governors, and Members of Congress, that support Joe Biden for President." (CNN.com)

With the Presidential Election in the next few months, it safe to say, that no one on either side is letting up. Go register to vote for our 2020 election at https://power99.iheart.com/your-vote-your-voice/?232 !

Photo Credit: Getty Images


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